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Добавлено: Вт Янв 21 2003 12:35 Заголовок сообщения: А как же LTOOLS? С помошью этой программы можно пользоваться Ext2 из ODS/Windows |
LTOOLS (formerly LREAD) 4.2 Program to read LINUX Extended2-Filesystems on PCs from within DOS/Windows or from UNIX operating systems
Original version 1.0 written by Jason Hunter and David Lutz at Willamette University, Salem, Oregon, USA
Version 2.x and newer modified by Werner Zimmermann, FHTE Esslingen, Germany (Werner.Zimmermann@fht-esslingen.de)
Revision 2.x and newer are released to public under the GNU GPL license, see file COPYING. You are using the program on your own risk.
The newest version of the LTOOLS can be found under http://www.it.fht-esslingen.de/~zimmerma/software/lt ools.htm
Contents: 1. LTOOLS command line tools 2. Using your web browser as a graphical user interface LREADsrv 3. Using a Java program as a grapical user interface LREADgui 4. Configuring and compiling LTOOLS 5. Known Problems and To Do list, help wanted 6. Running LTOOLS under UNIX and QDOS 7. History 8. Acknowledgements Appendix: lread10's original README.TXT --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
1. LTOOLS command line tools
If you want to run the LTOOLS under DOS/Windows, you'll find all binaries and all support files in subdirectory ./bin.
If you want to run the LTOOLS tools under a UNIX operating system, binaries and support files are under ./bin.unx; but please read this section *and* section 6 first.
The package comes with executables ready to run under DOS/Windows(Windows 3.1, 95, 98, Windows NT): ldir.exe list directories and files lread.bat read and copy files from Linux to DOS lwrite.bat copy files from DOS to Linux ldel.bat delete Linux files or (empty) directories lchange.bat change Linux file attributes and owner lren.bat rename Linux file lmkdir.bat create a new Linux directory lln.bat create a symbolic link lcd.bat set the default Linux toplevel directory ldrive.bat set the default Linux disk drive
One additional executables provides the same functionality under Windows NT: ldirNT.exe This file is not called directly by the user but is called indirectly via ldir.exe, when ldir.exe detects Windows NT. In order to read the harddisk under Windows NT you need administrator rights.
If you prefer using your web browser as a graphical user interface for the LTOOLS, you may run lreadsrv.exe which provides a HTTP/HTML interface for your web browser. Details are described in section 2.
If you have Java installed, you may use a Java program (stand alone application, no applet), as a graphical user interface: lreadgui.bat invokes the graphical user interface in ... lreadgui.jar ... Java archive for the GUI classes Details are described in section 3. ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
The LTOOLS command line tools have various parameters and options:
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