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Зарегистрирован: 27.04.2002
Сообщения: 2

СообщениеДобавлено: Сб Фев 14 2004 07:27    Заголовок сообщения: Создание поисковой системы Ответить с цитатой

Помогите pls найти информацию по созданию поисковых машин. Интересуют как ссылки на электронные источники, так и названия книг.
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Посмотреть профиль Отправить личное сообщение

СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Мар 02 2004 16:16    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

(skein) меня тоже интересует организация поиска на PHP я в єтом деле ламер, присоеденяюсь к твоим мольбам. Но только мне нужна упрощенная форма поиска, а то в длинніх кодах я еще разобраться не могу, если хочешь я тебе дам один из таких кодов.
Вернуться к началу

Зарегистрирован: 02.03.2004
Сообщения: 1

СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Мар 02 2004 16:22    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

BODY { font-family: arial; color: black; background: white; }
A:LINK { color: blue; text-decoration: none; }
A:ACTIVE { color: red; text-decoration: underline; }
A:HOVER { color: red; text-decoration: underline; }
A:VISITED { color: purple; text-decoration: none; }
// //
// PHPSiteSearch //
// Version 1.7.7 //
// //
// Copyright 2002 //
// David Broker //
// http://php.warpedweb.net/ //
// All Rights Reserved //
// //
// In using this script you //
// agree to the following: //
// //
// This script may be used and modified //
// freely as long as this //
// copyright remains intact. //
// //
// You may not distibute this script, or //
// any modifications of it. //
// //
// A link must be provided on the website that //
// uses the script to: //
// http://php.warpedweb.net/ //
// //
// Any breaches of these conditions //
// will result in legal action. //
// //
// This script is distributed with //
// no warrenty, free of charge. //
// //

// Variables

// Set your username and password. Leave blank if you don't want any protection.
$user = "UserName";
$pass = "Password";

// The full system path to the files you wish to index. DO NOT include trailing slash.
$file_root = "c:\\html";

// The URL equivilent of the above. DO NOT include trailing slash.
$http_root = "http://www.example.com";

// The full system path to the index file.
$index_file = "c:\\html\\sitesearch\\search_index.dat";

// The full system path to the file of words to exclude.
$exclude_words = "c:\\html\\sitesearch\\exclude_words.txt";

// The full system path to the file of files to exclude.
$exclude_files = "c:\\html\\sitesearch\\exclude_files.txt";


// Set to true if you wish the time taken to be displayed when searching, false otherwise:

$show_time_search = true;

// Displays time taken when indexing if true:

$show_time_index = true;

// The array file file extentions to index. The extentions must be readable (no exe, jpg, gif)
$include_extentions = array('html','htm','shtml','shtm', 'php', 'php3', 'phtml', 'php4', 'txt',);

// Message variables:
$err_no_results = "No results were found. Please search again.";
$err_no_search_db = "Could not find search database<br>Contact the administrator of this site.";
$err_index = "The index file could not be opened.<br><i>Check the path and permissions and try again.</i>";
$index_complete = "Your site has been indexed.";
$index_cleared = "Your site index has been cleared.<br>No search results will be found until you re-index your site.";
$no_files = "No files in the specified directory were available for indexing.";
$no_dir = "The directory you specified cannot be found.";
$err_index_empty = "The index file was found, but it contained no data.";

// Uncomment this line to debug the script.

// DEFINE("DEBUG", true);

// Sets the version.
$version = "1.7.7d";

// Sets start time.
$timeparts = explode(" ",microtime());
$starttime = $timeparts[1].substr($timeparts[0],1);

if (isset($query)) s_control($query);
elseif (substr($QUERY_STRING,0,5) == "index") i_control();
else s_print_search_form("");

function s_control($q) {
$orig = $q;
$result_arr = s_search($q);
$result_count = sizeof($result_arr);
if ($result_count < 1) {
echo "<h4 align=\"center\">$GLOBALS[err_no_results]</h4>";
else {
echo "
<h1>Search Results</h1>
<h3><i>Results: 1 - $result_count for \"$orig\"</i></h3>

foreach ($result_arr as $result)

echo "</ul>";

function s_search($query) {
// Searches for query in the index file.
// Multiple word search originally contributed by Matthew Furister <matt@agtown.com>
$query = trim(strtolower(c_strip_chars($query)));
$search_data = @file($GLOBALS[index_file]) or die("<h4 align=\"center\">$GLOBALS[err_no_search_db]</h4>");
$pages_found = " ";
foreach ($search_data as $search_page) {
$page_arr = explode("|", $search_page);
$found_count = 0;
$qry_array = split('[, ]+',trim(strtolower($query)));
foreach ($qry_array as $qry) {
if (in_array($qry, $page_arr)) {
$pages_found .= $page_arr[0] . " ";
if ($found_count == count($qry_array)) $result_arr[] = $page_arr[0];
return $result_arr;

function s_print_title_desc($file_n) {
$file = @file($file_n);
if ($file) {
$line_complete = implode('', $file);
eregi("<title>(.*)</title>", $line_complete, $out);
$title = trim($out[1]);
if(isset($title)&&strlen($title)>0) $line_complete = str_replace($title, "", $line_complete);
$line_complete = strip_tags($line_complete);
$line_complete = trim($line_complete);
$line_complete = trim(substr($line_complete, 0, 400));

echo "<li><b><a href=\"$file_n\">";
if (isset($title)&&strlen($title)>0)
echo "$title</a></b> <font size=\"-1\">- <i>$file_n</i></font>";
echo "$file_n</a></b>";
echo "<br>$line_complete...\n<br>&nbsp;";
else {
echo "<li><a href=\"$file_n\"><b>$file_n</b></a><br>...";

function s_print_search_form($query) {
// Function to print the search form.
<div align="center"><form method="post">
<h4>Search for:</h4>
<input type="text" name="query" value="<?php echo $query ?>">
<br><input type="submit" value="Search">
function i_control() {
global $action, $username, $password, $user, $pass;
if (($user == $username) && ($pass == $password)) {
if ($action == "clear_index") i_clear_index();
elseif ($action == "view_index") i_view_index();
elseif ($action == "index_site") i_index_site();
else {
if (($username == "") && ($password == "")) i_print_logon("");
else i_print_logon("Invalid username and/or password.");

function i_index_site() {
// Indexes the site & writes it to file.
if (!isset($GLOBALS[s])) {
echo "
<br><div align=\"center\">
<h4>You have selected to index your site.</h4>
You can index your site using meta tag \"keywords\" or you can perform a \"full\" index.
<br>Which action do you wish to perform?
<br><br><table border=\"0\"><tr>
<td align=\"center\"><form method=\"post\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"index\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"index_site\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"s\" value=\"submit_meta\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"username\" value=\"$GLOBALS[username]\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"password\" value=\"$GLOBALS[password]\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Meta Tag Index\"></form></td>
<td align=\"center\"><form method=\"post\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"index\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"index_site\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"s\" value=\"submit_full\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"username\" value=\"$GLOBALS[username]\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"password\" value=\"$GLOBALS[password]\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"&nbsp;Full Index&nbsp;\"></form></td>
else {
if (is_dir($GLOBALS[file_root])) {
$file_array = i_get_files($GLOBALS[file_root]);
$file_array = i_strip_extentions($file_array);
$file_array = i_strip_files($file_array);
if(is_array($file_array)) {
$fd = @fopen($GLOBALS[index_file], "w") or die("<h3 align=\"center\">$GLOBALS[err_index]</h3>");
foreach ($file_array as $file) {
if (($GLOBALS[s] == "submit_full") || (substr($file, -3) == "txt")) $line = i_full_index_file($file);
elseif ($GLOBALS[s] == "submit_meta")$line = i_meta_index_file($file);
if (substr_count($line, "|") > 1) fputs($fd, "$line\n");
echo "<h3 align=\"center\">$GLOBALS[index_complete]</h3>";
else {
echo "<h3 align=\"center\">$GLOBALS[no_files]</h3>";
else {
echo "<h3 align=\"center\">$GLOBALS[no_dir]</h3>";

function i_full_index_file($file_name) {
// Retrieves a list of keywords from a file.
global $http_root, $file_root;
$file_contents = @file($file_name);
if ($file_contents) {
$URL = str_replace($file_root, $http_root , $file_name);
$keywords = "$URL|";
$file_contents = implode(" ", $file_contents);
$file_contents = strip_tags($file_contents);
$file_contents = strtolower($file_contents);
$file_contents = str_replace("\n", "", $file_contents);
$file_contents = c_strip_chars($file_contents);
$file_contents = str_replace(",", "", $file_contents);
$file_contents = explode(" ", $file_contents);
foreach($file_contents as $word) {
$word = trim($word);
if ($word != "") {
$keywords .= "$word|";
$complete = str_replace("|||", "|", $keywords);
$complete = str_replace("||", "|", $complete);
$complete = i_strip_words($complete);
return $complete;

function i_meta_index_file($file) {
// Indexes a page by it's meta tags.

global $index_file, $http_root, $file_root;
$URL = str_replace($file_root, $http_root , $file);
$mt = @get_meta_tags($file);
$line = $mt[keywords];
if ($line) {
$line = explode(",", $line);
foreach ($line as $word) {
$word = trim($word);
if ($word != "") {
$keywords .= "$word|";
$keyword = str_replace(",", "", $keywords);
$keywords = c_strip_chars($keywords);
$keywords = i_strip_words($keywords);
$keywords = "$URL|$keywords";
return $keywords;
else {
return "$URL|";

function i_get_files($dirname) {
// Navigates through the directories recurrsively and retrieves a listing in an array.
// File permission bit by Abhay Jain <vigya@yahoo.com>

if($dirname[strlen($dirname)-1] != "/") $dirname.="/";
static $result_array = array();
$mode = fileperms($dirname);
if(($mode & 0x4000) == 0x4000 && ($mode & 0x00004) == 0x00004) {
$handle = @opendir($dirname);
if(isset($handle)) {
while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
if($file=='.'||$file=='..') continue;
if(is_dir($dirname.$file)) i_get_files($dirname.$file.'/');
else $result_array[] = $dirname.$file;
return $result_array;

function i_strip_extentions($array) {
// Runs through the extention array and
// returns all files with the selected extentions.
global $include_extentions;
if(is_array($array)) {
foreach ($include_extentions as $ext) {
$str_len = strlen($ext);
foreach ($array as $file) {
if (substr($file, -$str_len) == $ext) $result_array[] = $file;
return $result_array;
else return $array;

function i_strip_files($array) {
// Reads the exclude file removed unwanted file form the array.
// Filtering and regex added by:
// Timo Haberkern <Timo.Haberkern@technical-office.de> 10/10/01
// Bug: 18/10: Array check.
// Bug: 21/10/01: Type error, eregi returns int not bool. Causes probs on some systems.

global $file_root, $exclude_files;
if(is_array($array)) {
$exclude = @file($exclude_files);
if ($exclude) {
// Create the filter lists
foreach($exclude as $exc_file) {
$exc_file = trim($exc_file);
// Is it a filter?
if ($exc_file[0] == "/") {
$file[] = $exc_file;
else {
$filter[] = $exc_file;
// Do the filtering
foreach ($array as $act_file) {
$act_file = str_replace($file_root, "", $act_file);
$bMatchedFilter = false;
$bFoundInExcludingList = false;
// Test the filters first
if(is_array($filter)) {
foreach ($filter as $curFilter) {
if (eregi($curFilter, $act_file)) {
$bMatchedFilter = true;
// Test for excluding
if ($bMatchedFilter == false) {
// Test only if the file list is not empty
if (sizeof($file) != 0) {
if (in_array($act_file, $file)) {
$bFoundInExcludingList = true;
if (!$bFoundInExcludingList AND !$bMatchedFilter)
$result_array[] = "$file_root$act_file";
return $result_array;
else return $array;
else return $array;

function i_strip_words($line) {
$file = @file($GLOBALS['exclude_words']);
if ($file) {
foreach ($file as $word) {
$word = trim($word);
$word = "|$word|";
$line = str_replace("$word", "|", $line);
return $line;
function i_clear_index() {
// Checks for a confirmation and then clears the index file.
global $username, $password;
if ($GLOBALS['s'] == "submit") {
$fd = @fopen($GLOBALS[index_file], "w") or die("<h4 align=\"center\">$GLOBALS[err_index]</h4>");
echo "<h4 align=\"center\">$GLOBALS[index_cleared]</h4>";
else {
echo "
<br><center><font face=\"arial\">
<b>You have selected to clear your site index.</b>
<br>No search results will be found until you re-index your site.
<br>Are you sure?
<br><form method=\"post\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"clear_index\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"s\" value=\"submit\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"username\" value=\"$username\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"password\" value=\"$password\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"index\">
<input type=\"submit\" value=\"&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes&nbsp;&nbsp;\"></form>

function i_view_index() {
// Displays the index file in a table.

if(file_exists($GLOBALS[index_file])) {
$file = @file($GLOBALS[index_file]);
if(is_array($file)) {
echo "
<h4 align=\"center\">Your index file:</h4>
<table style=\"font-size:75%\" border=\"1\" bordercolor=\"black\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\">
<td nowrap align=\"center\" valign=\"top\"><b>#</b></td>
<td nowrap align=\"center\" valign=\"top\"><b>URL</b></td>
<td nowrap align=\"center\" valign=\"top\"><b>Keywords</b></td></tr>";
foreach ($file as $key => $line) {
$exp_line = explode("|", $line);
$key = $key + 1;
echo " <td>$key</td>\n";
foreach ($exp_line as $key => $word) {
if ($key == 0) { echo " <td bgcolor=\"#C0C0C0\" nowrap><a href=\"$word\">$word</a></td>\n "; }
else { echo "<td nowrap>$word</td>"; }
echo " \n</tr>\n";
echo "</table>";
else { echo "<h4 align=\"center\">$GLOBALS[err_index_empty]</h4>"; }
else { echo "<h4 align=\"center\">$GLOBALS[err_index]</h4>"; }

function i_print_options() {
// Prints the indexer options.
global $username, $password;
echo "
<br><br><form method=\"post\"><table border=\"0\" align=\"center\"><tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"><font face=\"arial\"><b>Indexer Options:</b></font></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=\"top\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"action\" value=\"index_site\"><font face=\"arial\" size=\"-1\">Create Site Index</font></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=\"top\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"action\" value=\"view_index\"><font face=\"arial\" size=\"-1\">View Site Index</font></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=\"top\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"action\" value=\"clear_index\"><font face=\"arial\" size=\"-1\">Clear Site Index</font></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"username\" value=\"$username\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"password\" value=\"$password\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"index\"><font face=\"arial\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"</font></td></tr></table></form>";

function i_print_logon($msg) {
// Prints the indexer logon.
echo "
<form method=\"post\"><center><font face=\"arial\"><b>$msg</b><br><br></font></center>
<table border=\"0\" align=\"center\"><tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><font face=\"arial\"><b>Logon:</b></font></td></tr><tr><td><font face=\"arial\">Username:</font></td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"username\"></td></tr>
<tr><td><font face=\"arial\">Password:</font></td><td><input type=\"password\" name=\"password\"></td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"index\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Logon\"></td></tr></table></form>";

function c_strip_chars($line) {
// Strips various characters from $line.
$line = str_replace(".", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("\"", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("'", "", $line);
$line = str_replace("+", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("-", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("*", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("/", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("!", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("%", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace(">", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("<", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("^", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("(", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace(")", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("[", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("]", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("{", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("}", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("\\", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("=", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("$", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("#", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("?", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("~", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace(":", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("_", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace(" ", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("&amp;", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("&copy;", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("&nbsp;", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("&quot;", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("&uuml;", "ь", $line);
$line = str_replace("&Uuml;", "Ь", $line);
$line = str_replace("&", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace(";", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace("\n", " ", $line);
return $line;

function c_print_footer() {
// Prints the footer of the page.
echo "
<div align=\"center\">
<br><font size=\"+1\"><b>PHPSiteSearch</b></font>
<br>A script by <a href=\"http://php.warpedweb.net\">David Broker</a>
<br><a href=\"http://php.warpedweb.net/\"><i>http://php.warpedweb.net/</i></a>
<br>Version $GLOBALS[version]</div>";

// Display time taken.

if(isset($query)) {
if($show_time_search) {
$timeparts = explode(" ",microtime());
$total_time = ($timeparts[1].substr($timeparts[0],1)) - $starttime;
echo "<br><center><font size=\"0\"><i>In: ".substr($total_time,0,4)." secs.</i></font><br></center>";
elseif (substr($QUERY_STRING,0,5) == "index") {
if($show_time_index) {
$timeparts = explode(" ",microtime());
$total_time = ($timeparts[1].substr($timeparts[0],1)) - $starttime;
echo "<br><center><font size=\"0\"><i>In: ".substr($total_time,0,4)." secs.</i></font><br></center>";

echo "\n<table bgcolor=\"white\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\" bordercolor=\"black\" style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;background:white;\">\n<tr><td>\n<h2>Debug:</h2>
<tr><td>HTTP_HOST: </td><td>$HTTP_HOST</td></tr>
<tr><td>SCRIPT_FILENAME: </td><td>$SCRIPT_FILENAME</td></tr>
<tr><td>SCRIPT_NAME: </td><td>$SCRIPT_NAME</td></tr>
<tr><td>PHP_SELF: </td><td>$PHP_SELF</td></tr>
<tr><td>file_root: </td><td>$file_root</td></tr>
<tr><td>http_root: </td><td>$http_root</td></tr>
<tr><td>index_file: </td><td>$index_file</td></tr>
<tr><td>exclude_words: </td><td>$exclude_words</td></tr>
<tr><td>exclude_files: </td><td>$exclude_files</td></tr>
<h3>Extra Checks</h3>
<b><font color=red>Red</font> = Error, see solution at end of line.
<br><font color=green>Green</font> = No problem.</b><br><br>";
if(is_dir($file_root)) echo "<b><font color=green>$file_root is a directory.</b></font>";
else echo "<b><font color=red>$file_root is not a directory.</b></font> <font size=0> Solution: Check \$file_root variable.</font>";
if(file_exists($index_file)) {
echo "<br><b><font color=green>$index_file exists.</font>";
if(is_readable($index_file)) echo "<li><font color=green>It is readable.</font></b>";
else echo "<li><font color=red>It is not readable.</font></b> <font size=0> Solution: Check that $index_file is readable by the webserver.</font>";
if(is_writable($index_file)) echo "<li><font color=green>It is writable.</font></b>";
else echo "<li><font color=red>It is not writable.</font></b> <font size=0> Solution: Check that $index_file is writable by the webserver.</font>";
} else echo "<br><b><font color=red>$index_file does not exist.</font></b> <font size=0> Solution: Check that \$index_file variable.</font>";
if(file_exists($exclude_words)) {
echo "<br><b><font color=green>$$exclude_words exists.</font>";
if(is_readable($exclude_words)) echo "<li><font color=green>It is readable.</font></b>";
else echo "<li><font color=red>It is not readable.</font></b> <font size=0> Solution: Check that $exclude_words is readable by the webserver.</font>";
} else echo "<br><b><font color=red>$exclude_words does not exist.</font></b> <font size=0> Solution: Check that \$exclude_words variable</font>";
if(file_exists($exclude_files)) {
echo "<br><b><font color=green>$exclude_files exists.</font>";
if(is_readable($exclude_files)) echo "<li><font color=green>It is readable.</font></b>";
else echo "<li><font color=red>It is not readable.</font></b> <font size=0>Solution: Check that $exclude_files is readable by the webserver.</font>";
} else echo "<br><b><font color=red>$exclude_files does not exist.</font></b> <font size=0> Solution: Check \$exclude_files variable.</font>";
echo "</td></tr></table>";

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СообщениеДобавлено: Чт Мар 04 2004 05:26    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

[quote="Anonymous]...если хочешь я тебе дам один из таких кодов.[/quote]
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